Kirk Wetters: The Short Spring of German Theory (II): WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN POSTCRITICAL

Theory, Critique, Critical Theory

In the retrospect of almost a decade, the year 2015 seems to offer at least two openings which can help us better understand and localize the “end of theory” narratives that began to take hold sometime around the end of the millennium. Rita Felski’s much-discussed and much-maligned 2015 book, The Limits of Critique, construed the long history of “critique” as largely continuous with the more recent (postwar) idea of “theory,” which allowed her to question the presupposed progressivity and utility of the dominant critical-theoretical discourses of late 20th-century North American academia. In the same year, Philipp Felsch’s Der lange Sommer der Theorie (which was recently published in English as The Summer of Theory) went so far as to assign specific dates, 1960–1990, and tended to define theory not as a purely academic product, but as a much wider cultural movement.[1]  Between the two books, questions of the difference between theory and critique, their specific institutional locus within and beyond academia, became objects of acute concern. „Kirk Wetters: The Short Spring of German Theory (II): WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN POSTCRITICAL“ weiterlesen

Kirk Wetters: The Short Spring of German Theory (I): POSITIVISMUSSTREIT VS. POETIK UND HERMENEUTIK

Transatlantic Theory Canons

In present-day Germany, research on postwar academia, up through the 1960s and beyond, requires no special justification. But from the North American side, the point of this scholarly activity—including the many new editions and a flood of archive-based publications—is much less obvious. For the most well-established figures of the period, the primary international canonizations were already part of the first waves of the reception, the theoretical tectonics established themselves accordingly, and the theories were established as theories—which are in many quarters presumed to be just as reliable today as they were decades ago. One might say that the international and North American reception of European theory has manifested an overall tendency toward sedimentation, while the dynamic of scholarly research about theory, including the archival unearthing of new sources, tends to complicate and undermine the established corpus of “primary texts.” For example, not only does the quantity of new German publications on (and by) figures like Hans Blumenberg or Siegfried Kracauer widen the rift and amplify the asynchrony between North American and German academic cultures, it also heightens awareness for the fact that these somewhat “second tier” figures were extremely important all along. „Kirk Wetters: The Short Spring of German Theory (I): POSITIVISMUSSTREIT VS. POETIK UND HERMENEUTIK“ weiterlesen

Pola Groß: STILISIERUNG ZUM KUSCHEL-PHILOSOPHEN. Zur Rezeption von Adornos »Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus«

Euphorisch nahm das deutsche Feuilleton im letzten Sommer ein schmales Bändchen auf: Theodor W. Adornos Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus, vom Suhrkamp-Verlag im Juli 2019 als schwarzer, mit oranger und weißer Schrift ebenso schlicht wie eindringlich wirkender Vorabdruck veröffentlicht.[1] Ihm liegt ein von Adorno ursprünglich 1967 vor Wiener Studierenden gehaltener Vortrag zugrunde, in dem er auf den Einzug der NPD in einige deutsche Landesparlamente Ende der 1960er Jahre reagierte. Vorherrschend in den Besprechungen war der Verweis auf »erstaunliche Parallelen« zwischen dem Rechtsradikalismus der 1960er Jahre und den »gegenwärtigen Entwicklungen«.[2] Die meisten Rezensionen, von der Süddeutschen Zeitung über die Welt bis zur ZEIT, konstatieren in eben diesem Sinne eine verblüffende Aktualität von Adornos Vortrag, die Redaktion von Spiegel Online attestiert Adorno gar hellseherische Fähigkeiten, wenn sie titelt: »Was Adorno 1967 schon über die Neue Rechte wusste„Pola Groß: STILISIERUNG ZUM KUSCHEL-PHILOSOPHEN. Zur Rezeption von Adornos »Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus«“ weiterlesen